5. Automatically Tag Contacts in Salesforce & Sync to Mailchimp


As of June 2024, we learned Mailchimp delisted their AppExchange package - BUT you are still able to download the free app if you have the link. In its place is a new paid app branded as the "OFFICIAL MAILCHIMP SALESFORCE INTEGRATION". This article is about the old free app from Mailchimp, not the new paid app. Also, be advised that any enhancements, flows, custom fields, etc that you add to the objects in the free app will not 'transfer' over to the new paid app. The paid app uses all new custom objects and everything will have to rebuilt on these objects. Check out Blu Tiger Academy for the latest information we have on the apps.

Business Problem

Mailchimp - Logo

Mailchimp is a great tool for people who are just starting out with email marketing and they currently use Salesforce as their CRM. We have done several implementations of Mailchimp and Salesforce and wanted to provide you with our best practice approach of how to set it up right the first time.

This is Part 5 of how to setup the Mailchimp to Salesforce integration where we will show you how to solve the following business challenge we ran into while implementing Mailchimp for Salesforce. Check out our Mailchimp How To section for additional tips on how to extend this integration.

  • Automatically Tag Contacts in Salesforce & Sync to Mailchimp  - We wanted a way to use information from the Contact's related Account to tag contacts in Mailchimp. We could could have created formula fields on the Contact and synced the fields to Mailchimp, but we ran into challenges with the limitations in the filter criteria in the queries. Remember you also have a 30 field limit in Mailchimp (80 field limit if you have a higher edition). This section will outline the steps we took to set this up and some limitations we ran into with Mailchimp Member Queries.

Or continue on for a short tutorial below.
Note: The video tutorial goes way more in depth.

How to Instructions

Automatic Sync Between Mailchimp & Salesforce - Not Using Campaigns

Our objective here is to setup Mailchimp and Salesforce to automatically tag people in Mailchimp without anyone having to do anything in between email sends. Follow these steps for how to complete this process:

First, determine which groups of people you want to sync to Mailchimp. Your groups of people should be easily segmented using fields from the Lead or Contact records or a record related to the Contact via a lookup field. Here are some of examples of groups we setup:

  • People in the United States with an Email Address, Undeliverable Email Address = False, Email Opt Out = False, Status = Active, Industry = Technology OR Industry = Professional Services
  • People in Canada with an Email Address, Undeliverable Email Address = False, Email Opt Out = False, Status = Active, Industry = Technology OR Industry = Professional Services.

Next, we need to create checkbox formula fields on the Lead or Contact objects - we will use these formula fields in our Mailchimp Query. The reason we are setting up formula fields is because the Mailchimp Query writer is very limited. Here is a list of the issues we ran into:

  • Cannot use ANDs or ORs when writing queries - all of the queries are joined with an AND
  • Cannot look for multiple values in multi-select picklist fields
  • Cannot look for multiple values in picklist fields. We would have had to write a query for each combination of filters we were looking for.
  • Could not use fields from the Account in the filters
Here are examples of the formulas:
AND( MailingCountry = 'United States',
HasOptedOutOfEmail = FALSE,
ISPICKVAL(Status__c, 'Active'),
Undeliverable_Email_Address__c = FALSE,
OR(ISPICKVAL( Account.Industry, 'Technology'),
ISPICKVAL( Account.Industry, 'Professional Services')
AND( MailingCountry = 'Canada',
HasOptedOutOfEmail = FALSE,
ISPICKVAL(Status__c, 'Active'),
Undeliverable_Email_Address__c = FALSE,
OR(ISPICKVAL( Account.Industry, 'Technology'),
ISPICKVAL( Account.Industry, 'Professional Services')

Now, we are ready to setup the Mailchimp queries using our formula fields.

  • Go to the MC Setup tab in the Mailchimp for Salesforce app and click New Query.

  • Choose your Audience. Then click Create a new tag, name the tag and click Add.

  • Make sure there is a checkbox next to the tag you want to use. Click Next.

  • Select the object where you built your formula field.
  • Choose your formula field from the dropdown, set operator = Equals and value = True.

  • Review your query results and confirm it is working.
  • Click Next.

  • Name and schedule your query to run daily.
  • Click Save and run.

Great work! Now any new contact added to Salesforce with the correct criteria will automatically sync to Mailchimp with the appropriate tag.

For any questions, comments, concerns – let us know in the comment section below!
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About the Author

Cheryl Fernandes

Cheryl is a certified Salesforce Application Architect and is the Founder and Lead Salesforce Consultant at Blu Ninjas. She has been working with Salesforce for 12 years and has helped companies in financial services, insurance and beauty industries implement solutions on the platform. Flow is her favorite Salesforce declarative tool, it is a game changer for anyone who does not know how to code.

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