Salesforce Campaign Influence: Last Touch Campaign Attribution

In this video, you will learn how to setup the flows needed to create Campaign Influence records for a Last Touch Campaign Attribution custom model. The flows we work on in this video were built in the Campaign Influence: First Touch Campaign Attribution videos. If you haven't completed the flows from this video, you will not be able to follow the steps in this one. We also recommend you watch Blu Tiger Academy's intro videos on Campaign Influence, the links are below.

Last Touch models give full revenue credit to the Campaign that was the most recent campaign a Contact interacted with. While this may not be the correct campaign in all scenarios, it is one way to look at campaign attribution. It is important to look at more than one type of model when attributing campaign influence.

Blu Tiger Academy Videos:

Blu Ninjas Articles:

Salesforce Resources:

Our Business Requirements

The flows we create will support the following criteria and will give 100% revenue share to the last campaign a contact interacts with. Here are the specific criteria we are using:

  • Contacts must be related to the Opportunity via Opportunity Contact Role records
  • Campaign Member must have Responded = True - this will allow us to use one field across different statuses. If you do not understand what this means, watch our video called it will explain everything:
    Mastering Salesforce Campaigns: Best Practices for Setup, Record Types, Statuses & Hierarchy
  • Campaign Member record must have a created date greater than 180 days before the Opportunity created date.
  • Opportunity must be open.

You can modify any of this criteria to fit your own business rules. If you have any specific rules you do not know how to solve for, let us know in the comments below.

Flows Needed to Create Campaign Influence Records

  • Opportunity Contact Role | Created - Campaign Influence Automation (Record-Triggered Flow) - this flow will create Campaign Influence records when an Opportunity Contact Role record is created.
  • Opportunity Contact Role | Deleted Master Flow (Record-Triggered Flow) - this flow will delete Campaign Influence records when an Opportunity Contact Role record is deleted.
  • Campaign Member | Campaign Influence Record Automation (Record-Triggered Flow) - this flow will create Campaign Influence records when a Campaign Member record is created or updated.
  • Campaign Influence | Record Created for Custom Model (Record-Triggered Flow) - this flow will route Campaign Influence records from custom models to the subflow below to calculate the Influence %.
  • Campaign Influence | Influence % Automation (Autolaunched Flow) - this is a subflow used to calculate the Influence % for Campaign Influence records. There are two record-triggered flows that send records to this flow.

Please note: You may want to create a flow the fires when a Campaign Member record is deleted. This flow would work like the Opportunity Contact Role flow we created, where it would delete the Campaign Influence records for the Contact related to the Campaign Member record that was deleted. We opted not to create this flow because we see companies deleting Campaign Members for older campaigns in order to stay under Salesforce's data storage limits.

Tell me in the comments below if you want us to make a package that contains these flows so you can install them and go!

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About the Author

Cheryl Fernandes

Cheryl is a certified Salesforce Application Architect and is the Founder and Lead Salesforce Consultant at Blu Ninjas. She has been working with Salesforce for 12 years and has helped companies in financial services, insurance and beauty industries implement solutions on the platform. Flow is her favorite Salesforce declarative tool, it is a game changer for anyone who does not know how to code.

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