Salesforce Forecasts + Quotas: Custom Report Types for Actual vs Quota Reports

This is the fifth video in our Salesforce Forecasting Series! You will learn how to add create two custom report types that let you generate reports from your forecast and quota data. While the Forecast tab is useful, you'll often need detailed reports for dashboards or to export data for commission reporting.

If you have not setup Forecasts & Quotas in Salesforce yet, check out our videos and articles containing step-by-step instructions on how to quickly setup this awesome tool for your sales teams.

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Our Business Requirements

We set up a new Forecast Type for our sales team and now we need to add reference data columns to show the team's stretch goals and the amount they achieved last year. We will need to know the stretch goals for each sales rep and the amount they did last year by month.

Our sales team consists of the following people:

  • 1 Head of Sales
  • 2 Sales Managers with 2 sales team members on each team.
  • Both Sales Managers report to the Head of Sales.

How to create an actual vs quota report for sales team

  • Create a Custom Report Type -> Choose Primary Object = Forecasting Quotas -> Secondary Object = Forecasting Items
    • Name = Forecasting Quotas with Forecasting Items
    • Description = Use this report type to report on the forecast of a sales rep versus their quota.
    • Folder = Forecasts
  • Create a new Report using this new report type ->

    • Add filters for End Date = Current Fiscal Year, Forecast Category = Closed
    • Add summary level formula = Quota - Actual; Formula Output Type = Currency -> Formula = ForecastingQuota.QuotaAmount:SUM-ForecastingItem.ForecastAmount:SUM
    • Add summary level formula = % to Quota; Formula Output Type = Percent -> Formula = ForecastingItem.ForecastAmount:SUM/ForecastingQuota.QuotaAmount:SUM
    • Add a chart to the report

How to show Opportunity data in your actual vs quota reports

  • Create a Custom Report Type -> Choose Primary Object = Forecasting Quotas -> Secondary Object = Forecasting Items -> Third Object = Opportunities. This is a great report type to use if you want to validate the opportunities that are contributing to the forecast amounts.
    • Name = Forecasting Quotas with Forecasting Items
    • Description = Use this report type to report on the forecast of a sales rep versus their quota.
    • Folder = Forecasts
  • Create a new Report using this new report type.

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About the Author

Cheryl Fernandes

Cheryl is a certified Salesforce Application Architect and is the Founder and Lead Salesforce Consultant at Blu Ninjas. She has been working with Salesforce for 12 years and has helped companies in financial services, insurance and beauty industries implement solutions on the platform. Flow is her favorite Salesforce declarative tool, it is a game changer for anyone who does not know how to code.

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